Webinar: Using a ‘Whole Child’ Approach to Motor Speech Intervention

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Wednesday, October 9th at 4pm EST / 1PM PST

This webinar will discuss various components which should be considered when developing an individualized treatment plan for motor speech intervention and for planning child-centered, motor-based treatment sessions.

Dr. Jennifer Moore is a speech-language pathologist who co-owns a multidisciplinary private practice in Northern NJ. Dr. Moore has previously held positions in academia and healthcare before establishing her integrative, therapeutic center. Dr. Moore is a PROMPT Certified Instructor and a subject matter expert in motor speech development and disorders. Her research projects pertain to the sub population of children who present with coexisting motor speech dysfunction and autism. Dr. Moore has been both selected and invited to present on various topics related to her expertise at conferences at the state, national and international levels. Her mission is to lessen the research-to-clinic knowledge gap by creating courses and resources connecting evidence-based practices to clinical application.

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